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How Do You Know For Sure???
2010-10-19 12:47:58

Link_29 3 64560
08-05-2020 at 11:08
by Aleesha
The wife always wants MORE
2012-01-25 16:16:46

GoldDoug 1 26967
08-05-2020 at 10:08
by palacejack
10 years and 4 kids... what do I do?
2013-02-01 03:50:06

natti0170 2 33557
08-05-2020 at 10:08
by ActionJackson
Time to move on?
2012-05-01 02:18:18

emcphx 2 36001
08-05-2020 at 09:08
by alfredUK
Actually doing it...
2013-03-19 09:38:59

whydididoit 1 25432
07-21-2020 at 13:07
by oobie
Is it Possible...?
2013-11-07 10:06:01

NeedToBreathe 2 42954
07-21-2020 at 13:07
by larrypruit
why is she bieng like this
2012-10-10 14:13:53

logan99 2 46697
04-18-2017 at 05:04
by johnperes
36 years! Would you?
2011-10-05 09:11:47

shedud 1 36094
11-08-2013 at 13:11
by NeedToBreathe
At that stage
2012-04-17 08:08:44

fried 1 27091
02-01-2013 at 04:02
by natti0170
Anyone getting a divorce in California?
2012-12-05 13:18:16

Divorcehelp 0 21731
 no replies posted yet
The Biggest Step
2012-10-09 08:18:22

Toychest19 0 26181
 no replies posted yet
New iPhone App for people deciding to divorce!
2010-06-09 15:20:37

Justdivorced1 3 97438
09-04-2012 at 20:09
by RichardD

Really need someone's help - ANYONE
2012-01-20 02:14:35

Ohcrapheartbreak 3 54445
08-27-2012 at 15:08
by Toychest19
Impartial, honest and logically sound opinions pleases
2012-08-09 14:44:09

psychomania85 0 17902
 no replies posted yet
2012-04-19 18:48:11

livinginclip 0 12140
 no replies posted yet

Dont know how to bring up divorce to a mentally unstable person
2012-02-07 20:01:12

dornen 0 13651
 no replies posted yet
I need some serious help
2009-10-02 10:35:42

Sadandlonely 8 118351
12-27-2011 at 03:12
by ShaneJimison
Divorce after 9 years
2011-08-25 17:11:29

1198freak 3 49841
10-25-2011 at 17:10
by dmoonchild

12 years of Marriage and 3 kids later
2011-07-10 16:24:02

Infinity2174 2 40148
09-30-2011 at 15:09
by FinanceGuy
I need help thanks for input
2011-09-26 20:10:55

Sickofit 0 20708
 no replies posted yet
2011-09-11 09:49:02

barbaradunn1970 0 13375
 no replies posted yet
Should I give up too?
2011-07-03 20:47:09

Hitbyabrick 2 40622
08-17-2011 at 10:08
by jaidynskiss

seperation or divorce
2005-08-01 16:30:57

leslie 9 169999
05-30-2011 at 03:05
by nicperry11
I need help.
2009-07-28 09:05:43

SAURI_90210 2 46370
05-30-2011 at 03:05
by nicperry11
How did you decide?
2010-04-29 13:48:26

GolfingLife 12 155781
05-30-2011 at 03:05
by nicperry11
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