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Author: cecole74 Subject: hello all.

Posts: 1
Registered: 11-18-2013

posted on 11-18-2013 at 13:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
hello all.

Don't know if anyone comes here. Mostley, I just need to say stuff. Yesterday at 519 I got my dear John. I took it pretty good, knew it was comeing for awhile, but denied it. Can't say I blame my ex as much as I feel rotten for blowing it. So now, I and on day two. My guts hurt, I'm in and out of fits of depression, and I can't sleep or eat. I'm also all alone. No one around to talk to. I'm used to haveing the wife. My kids, all grown talk to me still. But they all have their own lives. I guess I'm pretty sad. I have a huge hole in my life now. I guess I'm just waiting for it to fill up. Wish it would hurry. Don't want to feel sory for my self, but the lows are l-o-w. And it gets bad when I try to sleep. I'm teying to find a group or something. But o luck by me so far. Any way, I'm Chris, and I am now proudly a stat in a book.
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